Tuesday, April 6, 2010

I’m so educated! :D

Today I learnt stuff, I’m so educated!

Today I learned a few things, the first of which is that university is really mean! Grrr! Apparently I am meant to read minds and magically know that an assessment is soon, I am also magically meant to somehow do well at it. I have a strange feeling of impending doom. If I pass I will be happy, I say that in the hopes of making it true but I know in my heart that I will never be truly satisfied with a mere pass.

Secondly I learned that when my father offers to take me with him on a quick errand to the shops. It’s a lie! My father does not know the meaning of the word hasty and would officially make the worst ent in existence. It’s like he lives his life in a bubble of slow motion, but as soon as he gets in a car the world goes on speed as if that could somehow make up for the lost time. It can’t by the way.

Thirdly I have learned that I am not too old to appreciate a yoshi pull back kart. It truly was a great investment! And my dividends of fun more than make up for the $4 that it cost me. Truly all things Nintendo are good (the “all” is a lie)... O_o

I also learned that settlers of catan while far more expensive than Mario Kart toys is also worth its hefty price tag! A solid good time was had by all. I really must get more games of the kind!

Oh yeah I’m going to the Royal Easter show tomorrow, YAY and hope to buy a show bag. I think I will get the Pokémon one, but stocks are limited, if worst comes to worst I may be forced to acquire some kind of ninja or candy based bag.

MLIA of the day:

Today, I tripped and fell on the staircase at church and the totally popular guy who hardly ever talks to me flung me over his shoulder, shouted "I can't carry it for you, but I can carry you!" and ran me up the staircase. I think I’m in love. MLIA

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