Saturday, April 24, 2010

i'm not dead

So yeah, it’s been a long time since I updated this, but I won’t say sorry because no one reads this and it’s probably better that way. The reason that I’ve not been posting is that I’ve been having a really hard time recently. Not just last week or so but for a few months and it just all got a little too much recently. I don’t think this is one of those situations where you can just say cheer up emo kid because too much of this is real. I’m not just sad for any reason. Besides I think even the emo kids are cooler than me at the moment, but then I always kinda liked them. I love emo guy’s hair, it can be done so very well sometimes but I will always feel intimidated by any guy who spends more time on his hair than I do on mine. So yeah, I’m not dead, I don’t get turned into a zombie, I just lost some things that I truly loved and need a little space to breath. Breath deep and get better! :)

Saturday, April 10, 2010

lazy days, zombie wars and scary unicorns

Today has just been one of those lazy days where I could just sit around and pretend to be a cat and by cat I mean sleep lots. I didn’t just sit around licking myself and acting like I owned the place, though that would be fun too. And it’s not to say that I don’t do that on other “cat like” days... wow, I’m even starting to worry myself...

Now today was not a lazy/creepy cat day because I have finished all my work (I really haven’t!!!). It was a day of rest because I haven’t had I one in far too long. By far too long what I really mean is FAR TOOOO LONG!!! But I may be bias.

In other news I went to the Easter Show (kinda like a country fair but in the big city) and I got to see lots of animals and such, but mostly I hung out with friends. Apparently I do have some. I also got a show bag, I got the Pokémon one. It rocks; I now where a pokéball sweat band, use a Pokémon and pack my own lunch in my brand new Pokémon lunch cooler bag. I am so totally the coolest person at my university right now! Also for some reason whenever I take the backpack with me Asian woman sit next to me on the train, even if there are other seats open, it kinda confuses me. But I take all the friends I can get and I do love all things Asian. (In a not so creepy family kinda way) don’t worry if I were reading this I would be creeped out too.

In other news my best friend Stacey is kinda down at the moment but I really want to cheer her up so if you have any ideas please leave a comment. What I’m doing at the moment is putting together an “operation cheer up Stacey” video to play on my YouTube channel. Hopefully she will feel the love more than the embarrassment... :D

In zombie news:

· Undead out breaks have fallen sharply in Japan this last month

· After July You Will Need A License to hunt Zombies

· And studies show that men are three times more likely to be infected than woman

For more zombie news and the full stories head to

And my current faverite to win teh up coming unicorn battel royal championship is this fine stallion by o-eternal-o:


I’m not really sure what I’m going on about but I figure I should at least mention a unicorn every so often as they do feature in the title of my blog... I really should have thought that through more... O_o

Oh yeah the MLIA of the day:

When I was younger I got a lemon scented highlighter from a school book sale. When I got home I sniffed the marker until my mom found me in my room with bloodshot eyes and giggling and then she took the highlighter away. Today, I found that highlighter. MLIA